Transport & Logistics event
Transport & Logistics event
Transport & Logistics event
Transport & Logistics event

Come and meet us at Transport & Logistics Ghent.

Transport & Logistics takes place from September 13th till 15th in Flanders Expo, Ghent where you will find Essensium on Booth #1518 showcasing its latest Camera based Positioning System for forklifts.

During the three days, more than 150 exhibitors and 3,750 logistics professionals come together to network and attend a wide range of conferences and of course discover the latest showcases.

Why attend?

Essensium will showcase its latest camera-based EPS safety solution illustrating how to make your warehouse safe for vehicles and pedestrians while increasing your overall productivity. Meet us in a unique setting and let’s talk how we can collaborate or set up a Proof of Concept.

Free of charge access

Make sure to attend the event for free by registering here, and get in touch with us to book a meeting with our team here, discover a unique demo of our latest real time location system. Find all details on the event on the event website.


Win a free of charge Proof of Concept during the event. How? Find all about it in our Dutch section here or contact us via